Mon, April 29, 2024 (9:02am)
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How To Make XtGem Filelist Uploaded Time To "Time Ago"
This Xtscripts and Javascript changes the default uploaded time of file using the XtGem filelist function.

Total Files: 48 | Total Size: 129.15 MB
rascal flatts - bless the broken road (2.11MB)
2014-12-07 00:18:04 UTC+0:00
rascal flatts - backwards acoustic (1.88MB)
2014-12-05 12:24:22 UTC+0:00
rascal flatts - sara-beth (1.99MB)
2014-12-05 12:19:03 UTC+0:00
rascal flatts - skin (2.03MB)
2014-12-05 12:18:45 UTC+0:00
rascal flatts - life is a highway (2.12MB)
2014-12-05 12:18:22 UTC+0:00
The XtGem Filelist Script:

I have added the UTC+0:00 with the XtFilelist variables .file_date. and .file_time. to get the real time of the file uploaded on XtGem servers.
Note: If you're going to change the template of the filelist don't remove the name="pubdate" on the div or else this function will not going to work.

The Javascript within Xtscript to change the time to "time ago". Put it under your XtGem Filelist Script:

This script is created by Sir Graham Warner, credits for him. Because of this Ive made it possible to change the default xtfilelist time.

To know more about XtGem Filelist function you need to go to this link.
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